

法国创业公司Playdigious发布Adtrial—— 可在移动广告播放时嵌入游戏demo的移动广告平台。


Playdigious目前在模仿硅谷的一家开创了可试玩广告的公司mNectar的商业模式,这也表明此类业务在壮大,可能竞争会更激烈。 Playdigious正在发布一个适用于合格的开发商和发行商、以使用新广告格式的早期计划。玩家不需要下载游戏便可直接在移动广告试玩demo。AdTrial发布的内容提供无缝、真实的游戏体验,让玩家享受下载前的游戏互动体验,这在以往是从未有过的。 使用AdTrial 技术的第一款游戏是Godzi Lab的《Pirate Power》。下周会有更多游戏公布使用AdTrial。 在广告的游戏demo里感受其实际效果,这对于向公众普及游戏而言是更优秀的方式,能触发更高的下载量。 该平台早期的测试已经体现了更高的点击和下载率(从200%到400%),留存率也增加了超过20%。

Playdigious联合创始人Xavier Liard表示:“由于2016年手机用户获取市场估计为56亿美元,因此任何可以增加下载量的新工具都将成为发行商和开发商的主要优势。AdTrial有望从根本上改变游戏开发者和发行商吸引潜在新客户的方式。我们100%专注于推动免费游戏的下载,但我们的技术也适用于其他的app。” AdTrial希望提供一个免SDK的技术,允许这些“可试玩广告”在所有设备、所有应用程序中均可体验。

Playdigious最近从BPI法国、FIRA Nord-Est和法国松鼠储蓄银行筹集了60万欧元(65.9万美元)以开发AdTrial技术。 Playdigious目前已有七名员工。


French startup Playdigious is announcing Adtrial, a mobile ad platform that enables the embedding of game demos in playable mobile ads. The company said early tests show that such ads can double or quadruple the download rate of a game, mainly because players get to really see what a mobile game plays like in the ads. If it continues to work as intended, it could go a long way toward addressing the high costs of user acquisition, which is making a lot of games unprofitable because it takes so much spending to get noticed. In doing so the company is mimicking the business of mNectar, a San Francisco company that pioneered the “playable ad” business. But it also shows that the business is becoming bigger and perhaps more competitive. Playdigious is launching a limited early adopter program for qualified developers and publishers to use the new playable ad format. Players will be able to play a demo directly in mobile ads, without needing to download a game. The content delivered via AdTrial provides a seamless, true gaming experience that allows gamers to have a new level of “predownload” interaction never experienced before at this scale, the company said. The first game to be featured using AdTrial technology is Pirate Power from Godzi Lab. More games using AdTrial will be announced in the coming weeks. Like mNectar, Playdigious says that playable ads have an advantage over video ads because players get to see what the actual gameplay is like in a demo. That is a more compelling way to educate the public about a game, and that can lead to higher downloads. Early tests of the platform have shown a much higher click and install rate (anywhere from 200 percent to 400 percent) and a retention rate that increases by over 20 percent. “With the user acquisition market estimated at $5.6 billion in the U.S. [BI Intelligence estimates] in 2016 on mobile phones, any new tool that can increase downloads will be a major benefit to publishers and developers,” said Xavier Liard, cofounder of Playdigious, in a statement. “AdTrial is poised to fundamentally change how game developers and publishers reach potential new customers. While our technology will also work for apps in general, we are 100 percent focused on driving downloads for free-to-play games.” AdTrial wants to offer an SDK-free technology that allows for these “playable ads” to be experienced on all devices and within all apps. Playdigious recently raised 600 000€ ($659,000) in France from BPI France, FIRA Nord-Est and La Caisse d’Epargne Lorraine Champagne-Ardennes to develop the Adtrial Technology. Playdigious has seven employees.

本文由牛牛社区编译,原文作者DEAN TAKAHASHI 。转载请注明,并附上二维码或网址:www.newclan.io


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  • 下载: 19773次
  • 发布: 2022-12-12

